Natural Paths Therapeutic Massage, LLC
This website was originally designed by another developer using FrontPage and some other WYSIWYG tools, and it definately showed. There were extra font face tags all over the page, erroneous elements and missing or unquoted attributes, and an enormous amount of unused, unnecessary HTML code. The graphics on the site were also VERY large in size, but the original developer decided to scale them down with width/height tags, forcing the user's browser to do the work of scaling them. A definate web faux-pas, if you want a fast, responsive site.
This is the first pass of the site redesign for John and his team of massage therapists. John expressed an interest in keeping the site content relatively similar to the way the original site was designed, so we kept that in mind when designing the new "face" for it.
The graphics were cleaned up, shrunk down and compressed, and otherwise retouched to remove any extra pixels and non-portable elements. We also took the harsh square edges off of the images and softened them quite a bit.
This version of the site (in a soft beige below) is smaller, faster, leaner, and works on more browsers and platforms. It is also 1/6th the size, and much easier to update for real content. It has a consistent color scheme, image and icon placement, and many other elements. The original site design was very haphazard in this fashion, and we brought all of the color, softness, and the "feeling" behind massage and massage therapy to the site design.
Original Natural Paths Page

New Natural Paths Page